Walking with F.R.I.E.N.D.S

Watching posts and discussion threads from others scroll up the facebook wall is rather like overhearing conversations in real life. However the guilt is comparatively less or nil, as most of these exchanges find their way into the shared cosmos post authorization from their owners to run amok and roll out the joy among mankind.

A conversation thread I happened to recently overhear glimpse was one between my school-going nephew and a couple of his friends; a conversation that revolved around 'F.R.I.E.N.D.S'. It is surprising to see the circle grow and overlap generations of friends all around, or is it? After all humor has no death, and F.R.I.E.N.D.S is proof.

My relationship with F.R.I.E.N.D.S was rather complicated and strained until a few years back. I had never been a fan of the series in my younger days, unlike my sister, who used to hold the series responsible for not letting her smirk for an hour everyday, and like my husband, who till date strongly believes in religiously applying the brakes upon the remote buttons, the moment he sees his favorite faces on TV. However, in both cases, I have watched the show from the back-seat where I'd be attempting to read, write, browse, clean or cook a meal. I hated F.R.I.E.N.D.S, but then, I loved it too.

And I've always been bad at pretending that I wasn't watching from behind, mostly owing to Phoebe with her jokes and crazy songs, or rather her 'sublime sense of humor and unusual perception of worldly truths' as I'd choose to call it. Phoebe has and always will have a special place in my thoughts. I have often seen my husband open his mouth to laugh and then jump up startled hearing machine-gun laughter erupt from unexpected quarters. 'Why don't you sit and watch the show in one place?' he'd ask rubbing his chest. But he knows perfectly well that I prefer to walk and watch as I always do.

I adore F.R.I.E.N.D.S more now, after crossing into the 30's territory. I watch re-runs randomly and laugh it out whenever I can and all of a sudden, I find myself in the middle of a fantabulous bunch of crazy mad idiots from my own happy-go-lucky past, from the various compartments of my life-wagon, whose company and madness I sorely miss.

Pic Courtesy: Google 


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