Still a bit deep...

Conclusions and speculations, as uncertain as delusions, Upset and incense hopeful ears… With no dearth of theories, no dearth of doubt, the massive search endures. As man-made giants painstakingly scour the rough seas, Listening with all their might for a sign from the deep The ocean swells in fury, guarding her mysteries… Lulling the secrets in her bosom to sleep? The crying, the blaming, and the breaking-down of reason continue… Only to be followed by endless waiting…. For a release from darkness… For the answer to an ill-fated riddle… Earlier this week, as I sat at the table partially listening to the news & partially lost in thought, my father, a man of few words, who just saw in the news that the nations involved in the search for the missing Malaysian jet had suspended the pursuit owing to rough seas and strong currents, succinctly commented… “The sea is still a bit deep, right?... Even for America…...