Sincere Apologies
It was one of those slapstick moments of life when my husband’s aunt pulled out the chair on which I was about to park myself, from right underneath my bottom. Swish! Plop! A crash landing right on the floor.We both were lost in our respective conversations to different people, when I thought to sit and chat comfortably and simultaneously our aunt felt that it would be better to grab a chair to get a better look at all of us ‘seated’ around the table. My gleeful husband lent me a hand & at the same time congratulated me heartily on this achievement.
On taking a 180o sweep of the surroundings I could see that our cousins were also trying hard to suppress their bubbling laughter. I rose up from the other end of the table, with my picture-perfect 32-teeth grin and a crushed bum, with a highly apologetic aunt hovering over me, apologizing profusely and trying to pull me up even after I was back on my two feet.I tried to calm her down, telling her that it was a highly amusing way to end the year and that I didn’t feel bad about it at all. Laughing along with our cousins and giving a very
meaningful ‘loving-glare’ to my better half,I offered everyone bribes of kappalandi mittai to keep the crash-landing totally hush-hush.
meaningful ‘loving-glare’ to my better half,I offered everyone bribes of kappalandi mittai to keep the crash-landing totally hush-hush.
From time to time I could see our aunt looking at me from various angles to see if I had really forgiven her, or whether I was merely pretending to laugh and joke. As I was visiting their house for the very first time, she took me through the entire house, showing me around the place. At the end of every paragraph about a room or a corner she would add; “You know right, that I didn't really mean to make you fall down? “ When she repeated this after showing one of the brand new bathrooms of the house to me, I caught hold of her shoulders, shook her up and convinced her that I really really had not taken it to heart and that it was one of the best comedies that had happened to me all year. To round it up I also thanked her for such a funny incident that broke the entire monotony of an otherwise regular formal visit.
The year ended in all its many-hued magnificence and ushered in renewed days of unending possibilities… of laughter and tears…of happiness and sorrow…of life and living…of deaths and remembrances. A professor of languages, well-known to all in the area where we lived, breathed his last during the dawn of the new year and my husband’s father had gone to pay his last respects to the departed soul. Upon returning from the scene of sorrow I handed him a cup of tea. Tea always succeeded in reviving one from the gravest of mental stresses. This was my philosophy. After taking a sip, unexpectedly, he asked me to take a seat beside him. I could see that he looked very unhappy about something. Of course funerals always brought to the surface of one’s mind, life’s deepest unanswered questions. It’s natural to be unhappy after such an experience. I waited for him to speak. He let out a sigh. And when he spoke, he said so. “I had met my sister Ratna at the funeral. She told me all about what had happened to you because of her pulling the chair from under you that day. She profusely apologized again and again and wanted me to convey her sincere apologies to you.” He also added, “I had no clue as to what she was trying to tell me at first. Once she narrated the entire episode to us, everything was crystal clear.”
His lips were twitching seeing the hapless expression on my face. I could imagine his plight of being subjected to hear such a piece of information and that too at a funeral. He burst out laughing all at once and I could not control too. The knowledge that my supposedly clandestine bum-crash is now actively circulating in public places in the form of a sincere apology has inspired me to take the drastic step of spreading the good-news here as well. So now I know why all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn't put Humpty together again! Cheers!!!
Kappalandi Mittai – a locally made sweet containing peanuts and melted jaggery.
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Congrats for becoming the fist blogged in our Family. Well ! its time to rechristen your Blog's Name, What abt.... Paining / painful Thoughts... LOL
ReplyDeletePlease don't feel bad, just because I'm blunt.... I really like the poem, the master strokes were evident. Rest all are very trivial subjects....... why don't you come up with something meaningful .. BTW who is this so called " Professor of many languages" and the anglicized " Ratna", they are very much locals, like ME. Oh perhaps their real skin avatar won't be appealing for the elites, hence the tweaking ? We Mallu's are worlds biggest hypocrites, and the major chunk are from the new age affluent IT professionals like us.
because of her pulling the chair FROM under you that day
Lol....Nishanth. Bitter as ever. Thank you so much for the critical appraisal. Points noted...but as a cautionary warning I must say that, here you can always expect to discover spells of absurdity and triviality interspersed with occasional spurts of meaningfulness, as I see this blog as a window for me to unwind and just be me... and I happen to be a combination of sorts :) and Yeah! I usually don't let people escape like that especially if they have pulled out the chair FROM under me just like that! But just b'coz its our "RATNA" aunty....i'm somewhat fine with it.
Deleteand the re-christening part....bad idea. Let it just rain.... ;)
I am at lunch (at work) and I'm laughing loudly at your narration. I am pretty sure my co-workers think I've lost my marbles. Thank YOU for this. I was having a pretty sucky day and this helped.
ReplyDeleteGlad you liked it. And, gladder that it made you laugh! :)