Reveries in Stone

The Chitharal Hill Temple The day had dawned with a forewarning that Sunday. Various meteorological sources across the nation & the world, had issued warnings that the ominous Hudhud was expected to hit the northern Indian ocean & its coastline during the early hours of the day. Having lain to rest our much-awaited Kanyakumari beach plans at the ominous newscast of the storm, we continued to watch the news channels race to make hay out of the disarray. Kanyakumari might have been well out of the path of Hudhud’s destructive agenda, but one never knows... Nature has always been a mystery woman with strange whims and fancies … What followed soon after was nothing, but a perceivable void in space & time, as there was practically nothing to do that morning. All possible routines and chores had been completed well in advance in view of the trip that was planned for the next day. However the vacuum didn't exist for long as Sir. FB chose to ride in, clad in shin...