For he NOSE not what he doth…

The Greek, the Aquiline, the Hawk, the Roman, the Delicate, the Straight, the Crooked, the Pointed, the Potato and so on goes the list of classifications arrived at, based on the various scientific studies conducted on ‘noses’ all across the globe. Nice to know... I have one too, which I’m yet to classify, a nose which helps me pretty much satisfactorily, olfactorily & happily breathe my way through the gaseous support systems of life. However, I often find myself shocked...petrified...mystified... discovering all sorts of un-called for noses scuba diving in & out of the soup-bowl of my life when I’m least expecting it. How disgusting can that be! Noses of all shapes and sizes jabbing, poking and prodding into all possible spaces of one's existence! Suffocating, to say the least…… The nose has been designed by nature for a noble purpose. Why would anyone use it ...